You reproduce who you are...
They were talking about this quote, the other day, and it really hit me. I can teach what I know about God, all day long. But at the end of the day, I reproduce who I am. Actions speak louder than words. It really hit me, because I don't want to reproduce half-hearted Christians. People who come to church, but that's all. I want to reproduce Christians, who are passionately in love with Jesus. That follow God's will in their lives, that spend time with Him everyday. That's the kind of Christian I want to reproduce! In order to reproduce that, I need to be that. I need to be so in love with God, that it's all I can talk about! That is how deep I want my love for God to be! If I can only reproduce Christians that are half-hearted, I might as well give it up. It would be better for me to not be a youth pastor, then to create half-hearted Christians. It would be better for me to quit now, then to cause others to stumble. I am going to go deep. I want to reproduce passionate lovers of God.
6 days ago
Don't you just think of Adam and Katie? WOW! how they have reproduced their love in so many people!! I'm always humbled to be around them! and you too!