Saturday, April 11, 2009

You teach what you know....

You reproduce who you are...

They were talking about this quote, the other day, and it really hit me. I can teach what I know about God, all day long. But at the end of the day, I reproduce who I am. Actions speak louder than words. It really hit me, because I don't want to reproduce half-hearted Christians. People who come to church, but that's all. I want to reproduce Christians, who are passionately in love with Jesus. That follow God's will in their lives, that spend time with Him everyday. That's the kind of Christian I want to reproduce! In order to reproduce that, I need to be that. I need to be so in love with God, that it's all I can talk about! That is how deep I want my love for God to be! If I can only reproduce Christians that are half-hearted, I might as well give it up. It would be better for me to not be a youth pastor, then to create half-hearted Christians. It would be better for me to quit now, then to cause others to stumble. I am going to go deep. I want to reproduce passionate lovers of God.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just think of Adam and Katie? WOW! how they have reproduced their love in so many people!! I'm always humbled to be around them! and you too!
