I believe that God calls us in specific ways. For me, four years ago (almost exactly) God called me to Junior High Ministry. At first, it was just a place to serve. I love the kids, and liked helping at fuel. I loved talking to young teenage girls and speaking truth to them, and loving them. I loved being a "big sister" to many of them, and just hanging out and talking to them. So soon after, I just fell in love with Fuel and the kids there. It was different. They were loved no matter what, and I loved that. Most people think junior high students are crazy, wild, annoying... and while at times they are, they are also the most genuine and loving students. I tell a lot of people that if junior high students can realize who they are in God, and the calling that He has on their lives and they live it out, they can change the world. I believe junior high students can start a movement in this generation. So, as you can tell, my serving soon became a calling. I don't just come to Fuel to serve, I come to love, serve and lead. It goes beyond a commitment. It's a calling placed on me by God, Himself.
That being said, I want to live it out. A friend of mine Jessica Posted a blog about dreaming big. So here is my big dream. I want to start a movement of junior high students who are on fire for God, because they have encounter Him, and know who He is and who they are in Him. They are willing to stand up against this culture and live their lives out for the One who gave His. They are willing to go and be His hands and feet to the least of these. That is my big dream to have thousands upon thousands changing the world.
I don't know how to do this, but He does. So, this is my prayer, that they will know Him and know who they are because they know Him. If they can get that.... then watch out world... get ready to be shaken.
6 days ago
Megan- I am thankful for young women like you who have passion and drive to serve God! God has used you and is still using you mightily! I pray there are women like you around when my girls are in Junior high. Who knows maybe some of the girls you mentor will mentor my girls in a few years!